Sunday, 5 January 2014

Love, Music and Otaku - Chapter 4


“I’ve checked the notice board, it says the floor boss battle was discovered by one of the raid parties at the top of the tower located north, and its name is Illfang the Kobold Lord,” Kii said, walking into the classroom and sitting down on her seat. Her seat was near Oreki and Satoshi. (Note: Don’t ask me if the seat is beside the window lol)

It was lunch time and all 3 of them decided to have lunch. They opened their bentous.

“I’ve been wondering, but...” Satoshi asked. “Why do both of you have the same kind of bentou?”

“U-uh... I bought it at a nearby bentou shop!” Oreki lied, looking away.

“I’ve known that nearby bentou shop for years and they don’t have this kind of boxes.”


“Arghh!! Fine!!” Kii said, annoyed. “How about this?!”

Oreki thought Kii was going to let out her secret of coincidentally living beside him, but instead...

“Okay, now he has only the rice and I have all the fillings! Now we’re different!” Kii said, stuffing all the fillings she got from Oreki’s bentou into her mouth.

“Oi!! I’m only left with the rice now, how do I eat without the fillings?!!” Oreki

“Urusai, baka!” Kii pouted. Oreki sighed, and Satoshi kinda... facepalmed. (Note: I didn’t know how to explain this part ;w;)

They finished their lunch and afternoon classes and it was time for the floor boss battle. Meanwhile, Kuroyukihime and Yuka went to the music room to practice Kyoukai no Kanata.

Kii, Oreki and Satoshi logged in and went to a meeting with the other first years in SAO first. The leader was Kitamura Izaya. (Note: Yes I know, Durarara :3)

“Okay everyone, form parties,” Izaya said.

Everyone formed different groups of parties and Izaya explained how they would attack. Finally, it was time to go inside the floor boss monster’s tower.

“According to this manual done by the teachers from the Gaming and Research Department, it is said that when Illfang hits its last bar of HP, the weapon changes to (insert weapon name here). Everyone, please be prepared for that!” Izaya announced.

Everyone opened the door and stepped into the tower. A notice appeared.

If you die, you can revive, but only 3 times. After that, you’ll die in real life.
Yes                       No

Voices of fear and hesitation could be heard in the room.

“We’re gonna die in real life? Really?!”

“I want to log out now!”

They tried to open the door, but the door was locked. The ‘Log Out’ button was missing. The ‘No’ button couldn’t work either, so they could only press ‘Yes’.

“I knew it,” Kii said. “This was the price to pay to enter OAGS. You have to risk your life just to enter an otaku’s heaven in real life.”

“Free lunch doesn’t exist in this world,” Oreki added.

“Well then, let’s go pay the price now,” Satoshi said. The three of them with other first years walked inside. The tower was filled with eerily designs, such as spider and cobwebs and bats.

They walked to the top of the tower and opened the door. The door creaked. When everyone had gone in, the door closed by itself. (Note: Why do I feel like I’m writing a haunted house story?)

There, at the another end of the room, was Illfang the Kobold Lord and his 3 other servants.

“Group A, B and C, ATTACK!!!!” Izaya ordered.

The servants were easy to defeat, but the boss weren’t. About half of the first years has revived one time already. Kii, Oreki and Satoshi hasn’t died even once yet.

All of the first years were busy attacking Illfang until its HP reached the last bar. As predicted, it changed weapon. But...

“IT’S NOT A (insert weapon name here), IT’S A DEATH SCYTHE!!” Oreki suddenly called out.

Unexpectedly, Izaya went to attack on his own and abandoned his teammates. But he was immediately wiped out, because he wasn’t really a pro gamer like the others. He was flung to a wall.

“KII-CHAN!! Take this HP bottle and give to Izaya!” Oreki called out, throwing a HP bottle to Kii.

Kii barely got it, but she didn’t break it. She ran to Izaya, and holding the HP bottle in the hand, she yelled, “Heal!” Izaya’s HP was back to half. Luckily, Kii healed Izaya in time, so he didn’t waste his second life.

Now the room was filled with confusion. They haven’t seen the Death Scythe in
the game, nor the anime, so they didn’t know how to deal with it. It seemed like a dead end there.

No choice then. Oreki thought. I don’t mind being called a cheater, but at least this will save everyone.

Oreki took out his sword, listening to his memories. The Death Scythe’s weakness is short-distance combat and it’s vulnerable to fire attacks. Since this is normal for some floor bosses to equip it when they are left with their last bar of HP, it will depend fully on the Death Scythe.

Oreki was fighting alone, lunging his sword against Illfang. He used all his fire attacks, but also gaining attacks from Illfang.

           Kii watched in shock as Oreki’s and Illfang’s HP went down every passing second.

He had been almost drained of his HP when Illfang was finally defeated, and he was finally left with 2/829 HP.

Kii was almost close to tears when she saw Oreki’s HP, and ran to hug him tightly.

“My HP is gonna go down to 0 if you hug me too tightly,” Oreki joked.

“Stop joking already, baka!” Kii said, blushing and pouting.
There was a word ‘Congratulations’ appearing on where Illfang originally was.  Oreki was the one who got the drop.

But suddenly, a person asked, “I heard him shouting the name of the weapon we’ve never seen before, he must know something we don’t!”

Oreki twitched a little.

“There’s supposed to be no beta testers for this!”

“H-he’s a cheater! A cheater!”

Kii and Satoshi was shocked. “Kazuto-kun...?”

“I’m sorry everyone, but I’ll explain everything tomorrow,” Oreki said. “For now, let’s just exit this tower and log out...”

The other first years were fuming, but some were confused. Everyone eventually logged out. There was about 1 hour of club activities left.

In the real world, Kii wanted to ask Oreki about what happened, but Oreki said, “You two go to the music room to practice Kyoukai no Kanata with the senpais first, I’m going to go to the Gaming and Research Department first.” He seemed down. Then Oreki left.

“Kii-san...” Satoshi said. “I think I know why he’s behaving like that.”

“S-Satoshi-kun?” Kii said, surprised.

“You know that he said he had a strange illness that didn’t allow him to go full dive, right?”” Satoshi said.

“Ahh!! That.... But wait, why could he full dive just now...?” Kii asked, deep in thoughts.

“It may be probably due to an error... but this is just all I know. The truth will be revealed tomorrow,” Satoshi said, sighing. “For now, let’s just go to the music room.”

Kii slinged her electric guitar to her back and started walking with Satoshi.

While walking with Satoshi to the music room, Kii asked, “Satoshi-kun, are you actually a tantei otaku?”

“W-what? It’s just that I like mystery animes and mangas. Besides, I’m still bad at being a detective,” Satoshi said.

“So I guess watching lots of mystery animes probably won’t improve on your deduction skills...” Kii said, thinking.

Kii and Satoshi finally arrived at the music room. “Hime-senpai! Yuka-senpai!”

“Oh, hello Kii-chan and Satoshi-kun,” Kuroyukihime greeted. She noticed that Oreki was missing. “Where’s Oreki-kun?”

“He’s going to the Gaming and Research Department to look for a teacher,” Kii explained.

Kuroyukihime noticed that Kii and Satoshi weren’t looking too good, so she decided she didn’t want to pursue this matter.

“Okay, let’s start practicing,” Yuka said. She handed out the music scores and lyrics to everyone, and they started practicing.

Meanwhile, Oreki was at the Gaming and Research Department door. He knocked on a door a few times before he heard someone calling out, “Come in!” Oreki entered the room, and there he saw Inori-sensei(female) and Gai-sensei(male).

“Ano... Sensei.... About the part where Illfang, the first floor boss monster changed equipments on the last HP bar... There’s a bug you need to fix!” Oreki mustered all his strength to say this.

“A bug?” Gai-sensei was confused.

“You know, the manual about SAO you gave us on the first day of school? The information about the first floor boss is wrong! I’m sure you knew this bug all along!” Oreki confronted.

“Well, we’ve spotted an error while manufacturing the Neuro Linker, but since it was minor and didn’t affect it a lot, so we let it go--” Inori-sensei was cut off.

“You let it go?!! What?!! The first years, including me, almost died in the tower where Illfang is!! Luckily I overheard your conversation about the Death Scythe, so I could save all of them!! But I’ve risked myself and now I’m being called a cheater!”


“Yeah! I was the boy who had a strange illness who couldn’t do full diving! But this error in the Neuro Linker... it enabled me to full dive... but... the price to pay was having all my comrades get hurt, or even die! I’d rather not being able to full dive than see them die!”

“......” There was an awkward silence.

“Alright, we’ll fix the bug, but, since you can’t full dive, you’ll have to get good grades on all the non-otaku subjects,” Gai-sensei said.


Note: What *REALLY* happened on the first day of school will be revealed in the next chapter! ^_^

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